This framed poster is printed on thick, durable, matte paper. The matte black frame is made from wood from renewable forests.
• Alder, semi-hardwood frame • Black .75” thick frame
• Acrylite front protector • Lightweight • Hanging hardware included
In the 1960s and 1970s, as Blacks began to gain entry into northern city White neighborhoods, White flight would ensue shortly thereafter. White flight was generally ignited out of pure racist views where Whites simply did not want to live near Blacks, or it resulted from the fear of a declining neighborhood either in property valuations or in safety. The fear was fueled by unscrupulous real estate brokers who seized the opportunity to enrich themselves by the wholesale exploitation of White homeowners who bought into the perception that if Blacks moved in, “there goes the neighborhood.”. In fact, the first Blacks who integrated a White neighborhood were typically among the more successful Blacks in the country and often times were socio-economically superior to the Whites residing in the neighborhood the Black wished to enter. In some communities, for example the South Shore neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, White flight occurred so rapidly that a community of approximately 50,000 would turn from White to Black in less than five years. This would have devastating long-term aeffects on the community.

Tom Burrell
The Oppression of African Americans Video will show in 5 seconds!

"If you are made to believe that your life has little value, then your actions and behavior will produce results that reflect your belief." - KS Cramer
The Frankenstein Analogy
The Frankenstein Analogy relates to the original Frankenstein story, where the creature that Dr. Frankenstein created was not inherently bad, but was made dysfunctional by the way he was treated by Dr. Frankenstein and society.
As Dr. Frankenstein implemented his plan to create life, he cobbled together parts of people. Some parts from laboratories, and some from corpuses robbed from the graves of newly dead. Dr. Frankenstein succeeded when he struck life into this being that was concocted as an aberration of different people from different places.
The Frankenstein analogy is that the U.S. government and society (Dr. Frankenstein) created the African American (the creature) in an environment where because of the African American’s former slave status, physical differences and culture, were mistreated, made dysfunctional, then relegated to a marginal existence in the Great American Society, where most have wallowed ever since.
Reparations Racism Descrimination Black-on-Black "Black Art" Juneteenth Emancipation Rescronstruction
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